Aetio, Exalted Hydrolist


We Are Legion

Version 4 (latest)

paragon (1)

relic (2)

Change Log

  • Removed 2x Saboteur, 2x Cytokinesis, 1x Disciple of Maritus and added 2x Mercenary Gunslinger, 3x Reliant Gamma
    updated 7 months ago
  • Removed 2x Tabula Rasa, 3x Reliant Gamma and added 1x Unstable Shield Generator, 2x Cytokinesis, 1x Genetic Correction, 1x Ottius, Cytokinetic Legate
    updated 7 months ago
  • Removed 2x Mercenary Gunslinger, 1x Formatician's Exalt and added 1x Tabula Rasa, 2x Unnatural Selection
    updated 7 months ago
  • Nomega
    created 7 months ago